Kirsten Cares for Cats


Kirsten Cares for Cats


Alidia contacted me saying Negrita was sick and needed veterinary care. 👩🏻‍⚕️ Negrita is one of the cats at Alidia’s feeding station. Negrita was drooling and had like a white foam at her mouth. Dra Chely was contacted and Jean the taxi driver 🚕 was available to take Alidia and Negrita. Negrita had gingivitis and was prescribed medication. Negrita has healed and we will now supply soft cat food every month in addition to the bags of cat food we already supply Alidia’s feeding station. Kirsten Cares For Cats doesn’t only supply the cat food to the feeding stations but provides medical attention when needed, total care. ❣

Kirsten Cares For Cats 😻

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